Chapter 5. Manual Pages

Table of Contents

ad — AppleDouble file utility suite
afp.conf — Netatalk configuration file
afp_signature.conf — Configuration file used by afpd(8) to specify server signature
afp_voluuid.conf — Configuration file used by afpd(8) to specify UUID for AFP volumes
afpd — Apple Filing Protocol daemon
afpldaptest — Syntactically check ldap parameters in afp.conf(5)
afppasswd — AFP Random Number UAM password maintenance utility
afpstats — List AFP server statistics
apple_dump — Dump AppleSingle/AppleDouble format data
asip-status — Queries an AFP server for its capabilities
cnid_dbd — CNID database access daemon
cnid_metad — daemon for starting cnid_dbd(8) daemons on demand
dbd — CNID database maintenance
extmap.conf — Configuration file used by afpd(8) to specify file name extension mappings.
macusers — List the users connecting via AFP
netatalk — Netatalk AFP server service controller daemon
netatalk-config — script to get information about the installed version of netatalk

This is a collection of manual pages for Netatalk components.