cnid_metad — daemon for starting cnid_dbd(8) daemons on demand
[-d] [-F configuration file
[ -v | -V ]
cnid_metad waits for requests from afpd to start up instances of the cnid_dbd daemon. It keeps track of the status of a cnid_dbd instance once started and will restart it if necessary. cnid_metad is normally started at boot time by netatalk(8) and runs until shutdown.
cnid_metad will remain in the foreground and will also leave the standard input, standard output and standard error file descriptors open. Useful for debugging.
configuration file
Use configuration file as the configuration file.
-v, -V
Show version and exit.
cnid_metad does not block or catch any signals apart from SIGPIPE. It will therefore exit on most signals received. This will also cause all instances of cnid_dbd's started by that cnid_metad to exit gracefully. Since state about and IPC access to the subprocesses is only maintained in memory by cnid_metad this is desired behaviour. As soon as cnid_metad is restarted afpd processes will transparently reconnect.