
ad — Netatalk compatible UNIX file utility suite.


ad {ls | cp | mv | rm} [...]

ad {-v | --version}


ad is a UNIX file utility suite with Netatalk compatibility. AppleDouble files in .AppleDouble directories and the CNID databases are updated as appropriate.

Available Commands

ad ls [-dRl[u]] {file|dir [...]}

List files and directories.

ad cp [-aipvf] {src_file} {dst_file}

ad cp -R [-aipvf] {src_file|src_directory ...} {dst_directory}

Copy files and directories.

ad mv [-finv] {src_file} {dst_file}

ad mv [-finv] {src_file|src_directory ...} {dst_directory}

Move files and directories.

ad rm [-Rv] {file|directory}

ad -v|--version

Show version.

ad ls

List files and directories. Options:


Directories are listed as plain files


list subdirectories recursively


Long output, list AFP info


List UNIX info

Long output description

<unixinfo> <FinderFlags> <AFP Attributes> <Color> <Type> <Creator> <CNID from AppleDouble> <name>

FinderFlags (valid for (f)iles and/or (d)irectories):

  d = On Desktop                      (f/d)
  e = Hidden extension                (f/d)
  m = Shared (can run multiple times) (f)
  n = No INIT resources               (f)
  i = Inited                          (f/d)
  c = Custom icon                     (f/d)
  t = Stationery                      (f)
  s = Name locked                     (f/d)
  b = Bundle                          (f/d)
  v = Invisible                       (f/d)
  a = Alias file                      (f/d)

AFP Attributes:

  y = System                          (f/d)
  w = No write                        (f)
  p = Needs backup                    (f/d)
  r = No rename                       (f/d)
  l = No delete                       (f/d)
  o = No copy                         (f)

Note: any letter appearing in uppercase means the flag is set but it's a directory for which the flag is not allowed.

ad cp

Copy files and directories.

In the first synopsis form, the cp utility copies the contents of the source_file to the target_file. In the second synopsis form, the contents of each named source_file is copied to the destination target_directory. The names of the files themselves are not changed. If cp detects an attempt to copy a file to itself, the copy will fail.

Netatalk AFP volumes are detected by means of their ".AppleDesktop" directory which is located in their volume root. When a copy targeting an AFP volume is detected, its CNID database daemon is connected and all copies will also go through the CNID database. AppleDouble files are also copied and created as needed when the target is an AFP volume.



Archive mode. Same as -Rp.


For each existing destination pathname, remove it and create a new file, without prompting for confirmation regardless of its permis- sions. (The -f option overrides any previous -i or -n options.)


Cause cp to write a prompt to the standard error output before copying a file that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input begins with the character 'y' or 'Y', the file copy is attempted. (The -i option overrides any pre- vious -f or -n options.)


Do not overwrite an existing file. (The -n option overrides any previous -f or -i options.)


Cause cp to preserve the following attributes of each source file in the copy: modification time, access time, file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID, as allowed by permissions. If the user ID and group ID cannot be preserved, no error message is displayed and the exit value is not altered.


If source_file designates a directory, cp copies the directory and the entire subtree connected at that point.If the source_file ends in a /, the contents of the directory are copied rather than the directory itself.


Cause cp to be verbose, showing files as they are copied.


File system mount points are not traversed.

ad mv

Move files and directories.

Move files around within an AFP volume, updating the CNID database as needed. If either:

  • source or destination is not an AFP volume

  • source AFP volume != destination AFP volume

the files are copied and removed from the source.



Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting the destination path. (The -f option overrides any previous -i or -n options.)


Cause mv to write a prompt to standard error before moving a file that would overwrite an existing file. If the response from the standard input begins with the character `y' or `Y', the move is attempted. (The -i option overrides any previous -f or -n options.)


Do not overwrite an existing file. (The -n option overrides any previous -f or -i options.)


Cause mv to be verbose, showing files after they are moved.

ad rm

Remove files and directories.

The rm utility attempts to remove the non-directory type files specified on the command line. If the files and directories reside on an AFP volume, the corresponding CNIDs are deleted from the volumes database.

The options are as follows:


Attempt to remove the file hierarchy rooted in each file argument.


Be verbose when deleting files, showing them as they are removed.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to the Netatalk-devel list <[email protected]>.

See also

dbd(1), apple_dump(1).