
afp_signature.conf — Configuration file used by afpd(8) to specify server signature


afp_signature.conf is the configuration file used by afpd to specify server signature automatically. The configuration lines are composed like:

"server name" hexa-string

The first field is server name. Server names must be quoted if they contain spaces. The second field is the hexadecimal string of 32 characters for 16-bytes server signature.

The leading spaces and tabs are ignored. Blank lines are ignored. The lines prefixed with # are ignored. The illegal lines are ignored.


Server Signature is unique 16-bytes identifier used to prevent logging on to the same server twice.

Netatalk 2.0 and earlier generated server signature by using gethostid(). There was a problem that another servers have the same signature because the hostid is not unique enough.

Netatalk 2.1 generates the signature from random numbers and saves it into afp_signature.conf. When starting next time, it is read from this file.

This file should not be thoughtlessly edited and be copied onto another server. If it wants to set the signature intentionally, use the option "-signature user:xxxx" in afpd.conf. In this case, afp_signature.conf is not used.


Example 5.2. afp_signature.conf three servers on one netatalk

# This is a comment.
"Guest Server" 251D25569CB29AFDF296C6B5B3A385B7
"User Server" 26B5D785046C019F55718F76B1C13BFB
special 74A0BB94EC8C13988B2E75042347E528

See also

afpd(8), afpd.conf(5),