[TN#001] Snow Leopard permission errors

Ralph Böhme
Published on
September 10, 2009

The recent release of OS X version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) for the Mac has introduced a permission problem when copying certain files that e.g. have been downloaded from the Internet.

The OS X Client added extended attributes to the files, most notably files ending in .dmg, to flag the file as potentially malicious and send an alert when the file is opened. This extended attribute will cause a permission problem when copying the file to the Netatalk server, and you will see this error:

If you’re using a Netatalk version >= 2.0.4 you can use the following workaround of adding fperm=0600 to the volume configuration file for every volume or by adding it to the DEFAULT config line, e.g.:

:DEFAULT: fperm:0600