Bug Reports
If you think you have found a bug in Netatalk, first see if the bug has already been reported in the Netatalk issue tracker at GitHub.
If no similar bug has been reported yet, please create a new ticket and provide as much context as possible, including Netatalk version, OS version, contents of configuration files, and debug or backtrace logs.
Feature requests can also be filed in the same issue tracker.
Technical Support
If you want to get help from the Netatalk developers or the community, or simply want to share a cool idea, you can start a new topic at Netatalk Discussions at GitHub. Please don’t forget to be courteous and mindful of others.
Mailing Lists
As an alternative to GitHub, you can join the netatalk-admins mailing list. New release announcements are posted here as well.
The Netatalk Project takes cyber security very seriously. For more information, please visit our Security Policy page.
Here you can find out how to report a new security bug in Netatalk, read previous security advisories, or understand our security patching policy.