List of Examples

4.1. Enable AppleTalk in afp.conf
4.2. atalkd.conf containing one entry
4.3. atalkd.conf containing one entry after atalkd started
4.4. atalkd.conf containing several entries with the -dontroute option
4.5. atalkd.conf containing several entries with the -dontroute option after atalkd started
4.6. atalkd.conf making netatalk a seed router on two interfaces
4.7. atalkd.conf configured for "zone mapping"
4.8. atalkd.conf for a soft-seed router configuration
4.9. atalkd.conf for a soft-seed router configuration after atalkd started
4.10. atalkd.conf ready for mixed seed/soft-seed mode
4.11. Example syntax, assigning root as operator:
4.12. pap printing to a PostScript LaserWriter
4.13. pap printing to a non-PostScript printer
6.1. Volume for a collaborative workgroup
6.2. afp_signature.conf
6.3. afp_voluuid.conf with three volumes
6.4. Extension is jpg. Type is "JPEG". Creator is "ogle".
6.5. Extension is lzh. Type is "LHA ". Creator is not defined.
6.6. Example macipgw invocation.
6.7. Example macipgw.conf configuration file.
6.8. papd.conf System V printing system examples
6.9. papd.conf examples using pipes
6.10. papd.conf CUPS examples