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3rd Party Projects, a.k.a. Friends of Netatalk

Other free and open source projects for old-school Mac and Apple II networking that make great Netatalk companions.

Project Description
A2SERVER Plug'n'play distribution for Apple II file sharing and netbooting (bundles Netatalk)
afp-perl AFP client written in Perl
afpfs-ng Cross-platform AFP client application
afpfs-ng (fork) Fork of afpfs-ng that runs on modern systems
atalk-perl AppleTalk transport and base protocols written in Perl
atalkvpn VPN tunnel for AppleTalk phase 1 (depends on Netatalk)
BlueSCSI SCSI emulator device that can provide Ethernet interface emulation
Columbia AppleTalk Package (fork) AppleTalk network stack and AFP implementation for *NIX-like systems which directly inspired Netatalk
GlobalTalk AppleTalk networking over the Internet
kea-mboot Macintosh NetBoot Kea DHCP server hooks (depends on Netatalk)
lpstyl *NIX StyleWriter driver with optional AppleTalk support (depends on Netatalk)
macipgw MacIP bridge for LocalTalk-only Macs (bundled with Netatalk as of version 4.0.0)
MG's davex utils Apple II toolsuite that includes a ProDOS tardis client for timelord
mDNS for Classic Mac OS DNS Service Discovery (Zeroconf) extension for Mac OS 9
PGPuam Classic Mac OS UAM on which netatalk's historical authentication module was based
PiSCSI SCSI device emulator hat for Raspberry Pi that can provide Ethernet interface emulation (bundles Netatalk)
RetroNAS NAS software bundle that specializes in retro networking (bundles Netatalk)
tardis/Timelord Classic Mac OS time sync client/server on which netatalk's timelord was based
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TashRouter AppleTalk router for LocalTalk and EtherTalk written in Python
TashTalk LocalTalk interface for low-powered microcontrollers