Netatalk Testing
At present, Netatalk has two test automation suites, both written in pure C:
- afpd component integration tests
- afptest system integration test suite
The former can be run stateless through the Meson test runner.
The latter requires a test environment with a correctly configured and running netatalk instance. It can be run stand-alone, or through the Meson test runner (but only spectest; see below.)
The component integration test code is located in test/afpd
, and the system integration tests in test/testsuite
Run the afpd tests
In order to run the tests, build Netatalk with tests enabled, then run the meson test
target from within the build directory:
meson setup build -Dwith-tests=true
meson compile -C build
cd build
meson test
Passing results should look something like this:
ninja: Entering directory `/home/atalk/devel/netatalk/build'
ninja: no work to do.
1/2 afpd integration tests - setup OK 0.42s
2/2 afpd integration tests - run OK 1.98s
Ok: 2
Expected Fail: 0
Fail: 0
Unexpected Pass: 0
Skipped: 0
Timeout: 0
Full log written to /home/atalk/devel/netatalk/build/meson-logs/testlog.txt
Note that the suite contains multiple tests. See test.c for the full list of assertions.
Run the spectest test suite
The spectest test suite ensures that there are no breakages in AFP specification conformance.
The test runner binary is called afp_spectest
First, build netatalk with the testsuite enabled. Installation may need root privileges.
meson setup build -Dwith-testsuite=true
meson compile -C build
meson install -C build
Stop netatalk if running, and then configure the environment. Here follows a concrete example, applicable to Debian Linux (and many other Linux flavors). This is a modified script from what’s running with autopkgtest in debci. We only set up the requirements for the tier 1 spectests, namely those that can run remotely, without test suite access to the host file system. Root privileges required too execute these commands.
systemctl stop netatalk
groupadd -f afpusers
useradd -G afpusers atalk1
useradd -G afpusers atalk2
echo "atalk1:afpafp" | chpasswd
echo "atalk2:afpafp" | chpasswd
mkdir -p /tmp/afptest1
mkdir -p /tmp/afptest2
chown atalk1:afpusers /tmp/afptest1
chown atalk1:afpusers /tmp/afptest2
chmod 2775 /tmp/afptest1
chmod 2775 /tmp/afptest2
Modify the netatalk config files.
cat <<AFP > /usr/local/etc/afp.conf
uam list = uams_clrtxt.so uams_guest.so
appledouble = ea
path = /tmp/afptest1
valid users = @afpusers
appledouble = ea
path = /tmp/afptest2
valid users = @afpusers
cat <<EXT > /usr/local/etc/extmap.conf
. "????" "????" Unix Binary Unix application/octet-stream
.doc "WDBN" "MSWD" Word Document Microsoft Word application/msword
.pdf "PDF " "CARO" Portable Document Format Acrobat Reader application/pdf
Start netatalk again and run the tests. The IP address or domain name you pass to -h
is the netatalk host to test against. It can be a remote machine, or the localhost.
When run against a remote host, the so-called tier 1 tests are executed.
systemctl start netatalk
afp_spectest -h -u atalk1 -d atalk2 -w afpafp -s test1 -S test2
When run against localhost, and you pass the local file system path to the primary shared volume with the -c
parameter, the so-called tier 2 tests are executed as well. These are tests are involve making local file system modifications to set up certain test preconditions.
afp_spectest -h localhost -u atalk1 -d atalk2 -w afpafp -s test1 -S test2 -c /tmp/afptest1
For additional instructions, see the test suite test/testsuite/README and the afptest man page.
The majority of the spec tests are also running in the GitHub CI workflow, the only exceptions being a handful that require special setup that is cumbersome to replicate.
This is a mirror of the Netatalk GitHub Wiki. Please visit the original page if you want to correct an error or contribute new contents.
Last updated 2025-02-08