Developer FAQ

Q. How can I create stand-alone patch files?

A. This describes the traditional method of creating plain text patch files. It can be useful when requesting feedback for your code on the mailing lists, or when contributing patches to downstream distros.

Note: We do not use this workflow (anymore) for contributing patches to Netatalk. Please use the GitHub PR workflow instead.

Assuming your patches are the last three commits on your current local git branch, this is the easiest way to create patches from them:

$ git format-patch -3

This will create three patch files in your current directory that you can then send to the netatalk-devel mailing list.

Note that if you have a number of patches against a specific branch and don’t feel like counting them, the following works as well (e.g. against the main branch):

$ git format-patch origin/main

This will create one patch file for every patch that is in your local branch but not in origin/main.

If you have more patches which belong together it’s sometimes useful to export them into one file:

$ git format-patch --stdout origin/main > develop-featureX-01.patches.txt

Q. How can I debug process crashes?

A. We need a stack-backtrace (SBT) from a corefile with debugging symbols.

CFLAGS="-g -O0" ./configure ... && make && make install
ulimit -c unlimited

… at the beginning of the Netatalk start script and restart Netatalk.

$ gdb path/to/afpd path/to/corefile
(gdb) bt full
(gdb) exit

Q. How can I run the netatalk integration tests?

A. In order to run the integration tests located in test/ , build Netatalk with tests enabled, then run the meson test target:

meson setup build -Dwith-tests=true
meson compile -C build
cd build
meson test

Q. How do I revert a commit?

A. The “git reset” command allows you to reset the HEAD of the branch to any given point in history. To go back one commit, run

$ git reset HEAD^

This will keep your local changes and you can make any additional changes before re-committing the new work. Also see the “git commit –amend” command and the “git reset” man page for other examples.

If the branch has already been pushed to remote, you can force-push the amended branch. Please be careful with force pushing, since it can be a destructive action.

$ git push origin my-work-branch --force

Q. How can I maintain a feature branch against the upstream Netatalk branches?

A. You clone the Netatalk repository as per the instructions above. Then you make a new feature branch:

$ git checkout -b feature_foo main

Now you do your development in your feature branch. Any time the main branch gets too different to the code in your feature branch you should rebase your feature branch. The rebase rewinds your feature branch to the point there it was branched. Then it updates your feature branch to the HEAD of the main branch and re-applies your changes.

$ git rebase main
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Wrote tree 02299ef7c1cfa093248bfd9c6e3812805718845e
Committed: e20a8c521d7860d9b7bd724ed5ea19c7306530ab

Rebase works best when you use it for local branches that are never pushed to a public repository, see Why won’t “git push” work after I rebased a branch?.

This is a mirror of the Netatalk GitHub Wiki. Please visit the original page if you want to correct an error or contribute new contents.

Last updated 2024-10-20