Netatalk 2.4.8

Netatalk 2.4.8 is available!

The Netatalk team is proud to announce the latest version in the Netatalk 2.4 release series.

This release primarily contains bug fixes for the Meson build system. All users of the 2.4 release series who build with Meson are recommended to upgrade their versions to 2.4.8.

Notably, it bumps the bundled WolfSSL library from release version 5.7.0 to 5.7.2. Among other things, this addresses security vulnerabilities CVE-2024-1544, CVE-2024-5288, CVE-2024-5991, and CVE-2024-5814

What’s Changed

Full Changelog:…netatalk-2-4-8

Release published on 2024-09-08

Generated from the original at GitHub